As an avid traveller, Paula Marais has hiked an icy Inca Trail in Peru, watched the Northern Lights from the Arctic Circle, reluctantly eaten creamed eel in Estonia, gone shrimping in Charleston, been charged by a tiger in Nepal, climbed the Great Wall of China and crossed the Australian continent from north to south in a ramshackle Ford Mustang with no air-conditioning. She has clocked up over eighty countries in all, with no intention to stop there – there are just too many empty journals to fill! Her favourite place to write is in a coffee shop, with the soft buzz of people around her and a skinny cappuccino close to hand. Paula was trained as a journalist, and likes to deal with issue-based subjects, however, her focus is always first and foremost on character and voice. She owns her own small publishing company and works with larger publishers as an editor and a proofreader. Paula lives in Cape Town with her family and Jack Russell, and loves whiskey, hiking Table Mountain, and beautiful views.



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